Mad Mathematics is your ultimate Brain Workout!
It is as simple as addictive! Super easy equations will be shown on the screen and you have to say if the result is right or wrong. Sounds easy? Well – it isn’t, because you only have 1 freaking second time to make your decision and it should be the right one! Otherwise the round will be lost.
This “math sauna” will make you crazy and addicted at the same time – guaranteed!
</div> <div jsname="WJz9Hc" style="display:none">疯狂的数学是你的终极脑锻炼!
这很简单,只要上瘾!超级简单的公式将显示在屏幕上,你不得不说,如果结果是对还是错。听起来很简单?好了 - 它不是,因为你只有1再用第二次做出你的决定,它应该是正确的!否则的一轮都将丢失。
这个“数学桑拿”都会让你着迷,并在同一时间沉迷 - 保证!</div> <div class="show-more-end">